Sunday, November 8, 2009

How to fix some sort of mp3-files


# I had some mp3-files that were repeated twice inside themselfes.
# It looked like someone copied them one day with append command.
# The script splits such files into to equal parts and checks if
# those parts are coinside.

for f in *.mp3 ; do
    # Calculate size of the file
    size=`du -b "${f}" | cut -f 1`
    half_size=`echo ${size}/2 | bc`

    # Split file into two parts
    head -c $half_size "$f" > "${f1}"
    tail -c $half_size "$f" > "${f2}"

    # Calculate checksums and check if they coinside
    md1=`md5sum "${f1}" | cut -f 1 -d " "`
    md2=`md5sum "${f2}" | cut -f 1 -d " "`
    if [ ${md1} != ${md2} ] ; then
        echo "Problems with $f"